About Advising

We are here to help YOU!
Support. Serve. Connect.

Academic Coordinators

...serve as advisors and assist students with course registration, schedule changes, selecting a major, withdrawing from school, and providing general education and career advice.

Student Success Coordinators

...are new advising positions starting Fall 2022 and hope to serve as their students' “go-to person.”

As Student Success Coordinators, we assist our students with advising services while also providing a holistic, hands-on approach to ensure students build a solid academic and social foundation during their transition to college.


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Advising Tips

Ask questions!

Prepare a list of questions and potential class options for the upcoming semester before each meeting.

Keep track of and confirm your progress towards your degree and graduation timeline with your advisor.

Inform your advisor of any changes in your academic progress, course selection, and academic/career goals.

Learn about academic policies, graduation requirements, and course descriptions in MSU’s Undergraduate Catalog.

Observe academic deadlines on the Academic Calendar. Know when to register and when to add or drop classes.

Notify your advisor immediately whenever a serious problem (medical, financial, personal) disrupts your ability to attend classes.

Treat your advising appointment as a professional engagement and arrive on time.

Check your student email (Microsoft 365 – Outlook) daily.

It is your responsibility to stay connected with your advisor and be aware of your program requirements. Plan ahead!